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Ali-Mukhamedova Ismigul Komil Kizi
Zulpanova Dinara Anvarovna
Kiyamova Laziza Botirovna


Pathological type of Bite, in which the teeth of the lower jaw, when closing, overlap the teeth of the same name in the upper jaw; the alveolar process of the upper jaw is tilted forward or located vertically. The lower jaw protrudes significantly forward (the chin and lower lip protrude strongly, while the upper lip seems to sink). In early childhood, it is corrected by orthodontic methods, in adults - by surgical intervention [8]. Progenia is one of the most severe anomalies not only in its morphological characteristics, but also in the difficulty of treatment. Facial signs are very characteristic and sharply violate the shape of the face. Noteworthy is the protrusion of the chin and lower lip, the increase in the ingenious angle of the lower jaw. The lower third of the face is enlarged, and the middle third sinks, along with the upper lip. Dental signs with true progeny are always pronounced. The lower jaw is located in front of the upper jaw, the front teeth are characterized by reverse overlap [9]. The location of the anterior and lateral dental units is disturbed. A gap is formed between the jaws. It is possible to correct a defect without surgical intervention only in childhood. Progenia can develop due to congenital or acquired factors [1].

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How to Cite
Ali-Mukhamedova Ismigul Komil Kizi, Zulpanova Dinara Anvarovna, & Kiyamova Laziza Botirovna. (2022). PROGENY OF THE JAW AND THE REASONS FOR ITS APPEARANCE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(3), 141–144. Retrieved from


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