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Yesnazarova Zulfiya Baltashovna


The study of the demographic situation of the population begins with the study of its dynamics and population growth. This is because these indicators are directly related to the differences in the historical development of the country and the political situation. The dynamics of the population of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, its settlement, has been associated with the life of the people of Central Asia. The socio-economic and demographic development of the Turkestan region, as well as the political system of King Russia and Soviet colonialism also influenced the growth dynamics of the population of Karakalpakstan over a long historical period. At the final stage of colonial development in the twentieth century, the dynamics of the population was strongly influenced by civil wars, economic crisis, the Second World War, the difficulties of the post-war period, the collapse of the USSR. The article analyzes the demographic situation over 100 years.

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How to Cite
Yesnazarova Zulfiya Baltashovna. (2022). MATERIALS OF THE POPULATION CENSUS IN THE REGION OF KARAKALPAKSTAN - HISTORICAL FACTS (1897-2003s). Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(3), 17–28. Retrieved from



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