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Ortikov Eldor Mardonovich


The functional nature of stylistic norms in discourse requires an assessment of the laws of selection and use of language tools in close connection with the problems of typology of speech styles, the expediency of stylistic elements of speech, the stylistic value of non-linguistic criteria. Functional speech norms take into account not only the real logical content of the discourse, but also the sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic foundations of the communicative style and other methodological nuances created by its organization.It also allows us to describe stylistic norms as the general objective laws of the use of language elements and the creation of discourse, as well as the sum of the social experience and knowledge of members of society about these laws. However, it is difficult to define and clearly define functional styles and the means for them, and to find a complete description of a particular functional style norm in a particular discourse.

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How to Cite
Ortikov Eldor Mardonovich. (2022). PRAGMALINGUISTIC INTERPRETATION OF THE PROBLEM OF STYLISTIC NORM IN MODERN LINGUISTICS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(2), 726–729. Retrieved from


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