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Ergasheva Feruza


This article provides a step-by-step guide to the emergence of a complete edition of "Riyaz ud-Dawla" one of Ogahi's historical works. The first full edition by A. Urozbaev is especially relevant. The work differs from other works in the description of the events that took place during the reign of Allakulikhan with very valuable and clear facts. The main description of the text is the gradual chronology of the history of the study of copies of the work in the funds of world manuscripts, in particular in Russia and Uzbekistan, and at the same time the work has its first full edition. It is safe to say that the publication of the first full edition of the work today is one of the great achievements of history.

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How to Cite
Ergasheva Feruza. (2022). STAGES OF WORLD RESEARCH OF "RIYAZ DAVLA". Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(2), 723–725. Retrieved from


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