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Kuldashev Akram Makhmudovich


The present article deals with the analysis of the social aspects of the development of the morphological structure of Germanic languages. The author discusses the role and influence of the phenomenon the Great Migration of Peoples on the morphology Germanic languages. Furthermore, it will compare the writing systems of the ancient Germanic and Turkic peoples as these two language groups used the same writing system at the same time. Contacts of languages cause the rise of new phonemes as a result of the influence of the phonetic structure of the languages in contact. Mediaeval Europe was a “pot” where nations boiled, especially in III-X centuries. Romance and Germanic languages had intensive contacts with newly born Slavic and Turkic languages. And one of the main participants, or to be more exact, causators of these great changes was the language of Ancient Turkic tribes. Finally, the language of the Hunns which became the matter of discussion in modern linguistics will also be analysed by the author.

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How to Cite
Kuldashev Akram Makhmudovich. (2022). THE ROLE OF PHONO-MORPHOLOGICAL FACTORS IN THE LINGUO-ETHNO-GENETIC INVESTIGATIONS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 943–951. Retrieved from


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