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The study assessed the utilization of modern instructional facilities for Teaching Business Education in Colleges of Education in Colleges of Education in North Central State, Nigeria. The study had four specific objectives. In line with the specific objectives, four research questions and four hypotheses were raised. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The populations of the study were 150 business teachers in State’s Colleges of education in the North Central State zone. A total of 107 questionnaires were administered, however, all were returned and used for the study. The instruments for data collection were 5-point Likert scale structured questionnaire. The instruments were validated by 4 experts and pilot study using College of Education Gidan Waya was carried out. Cronbach Alpha of 0.7 was obtained in testing the reliability of the instrument. The data were collected by the researcher using direct contact and the exercise lasted for three weeks. Description Statistics of mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions and the hypotheses were tested using independent t-test at the significant level of 0.05. The result revealed among others that modern instructional facilities are somehow available for teaching of business education. Also, it was found that modern instructional facilities are moderately adequate for teaching of business education. It was concluded that modern instruction facilities are somehow available for teaching business education hence; teachers used them occasionally to teach business education. The study recommends among others that the management of the colleges should ensure that teachers used the available modern instructional facilities for teaching of business education. This can be achieved by ensuring that all departmental courses are accompanied with practical and should be supervised thoroughly.
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