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This article provides information on pedagogical and innovative technologies used in the educational process. In fact, the role of innovative technologies in improving the quality of education is based on several specific instances. At the same time, such complex requirements are set as reading and understanding non-fiction literature, writing a text in the field of specialization and drafting a document, updating the text in terms of form and content, translating the text into a different style of speech. This, in turn, will depend on how students correctly and widely use the possibilities of the Uzbek language, including the lexical and methodological possibilities. All this will be ensured by the liveliness, breadth and interest of the proposed knowledge of the Uzbek language, the correspondence of the chosen profession to its specialization, modernity of teaching methods and techniques, and the effective use of audiovisual means. The article also provides information on the perception map, which is actively used in interactive learning.
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