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Makhmudova Madinakhan Sobirkhanovna
Mukhlisa Mirakhmedova


The successful conditions of the speech therapy effect create good conditions for eliminating pronunciation deficiencies: emotional contact of the speech therapist with the child; organize training in an interesting way and conduct it in a work system that does not allow fatigue. Speech therapy classes are regularly held three times a week. Together with the parents, training should be conducted at home (on the basis of the tasks of the speech therapist). Classes everyday (2-3 times a day) for 5-15 minutes. Didactic materials are widely used to eliminate pronunciation defects.

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Makhmudova Madinakhan Sobirkhanovna, & Mukhlisa Mirakhmedova. (2024). STAGES OF LOGOPEDIC INFLUENCE IN PREPARING CHILDREN WITH SPEECH DEFECTS FOR SCHOOL EDUCATION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(6), 659–654. Retrieved from


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