Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal <p><strong>Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GIIRJ) </strong>is a monthly peer reviewed international journal. The international interdisciplinary journal publishes the articles in various disciplines. We invite authors to submit the original research papers for the current issue of our journal. GIIRJ is started with the vision of providing the platform to the researchers in 2013 and providing the services with best quality paper publications in the areas not limited Sciences, Humanities, Economics, Finance, Engineering, History, Educational Advancements, Education and Sports Sciences, Tourism and Physical Sciences. </p> <p><strong>A PEER REVIEWED REFEREED MONTHLY E-JOURNAL</strong></p> <p><strong>(ALL SUBJECT ONLINE MONTHLY JOURNAL)</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2347-6915</li> </ul> <ul> <li><strong>SJIF Impact Factor 2024</strong>: 8.346</li> </ul> <table style="height: 288px;" width="296"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="58"> <p><strong>Year</strong></p> </td> <td width="103"> <p><strong>SJIF Impact Factor</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2023</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>8.057</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2022</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>7.718</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2021</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>7.472</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2020</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>6.914</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2019</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>6.519</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Submission Date:</strong> Open</li> <li><strong>Publication Date:</strong> Within 48 Hours </li> </ul> <p><strong>Send your Manuscripts to:</strong></p> <p> </p> Galaxy Journal en-US Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 2347-6915 QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF ADAPTIVE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS <p>This article analyzes the problems of the system taking responsibility for guiding the student in the learning process and assessing the quality of the adaptation mechanism, summarizing the information on the tactics and strategy of learning in the adaptive education system.</p> Khusanboyeva Tursunoy Mukhammadkasimdzhanovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 13 3 1 7 USING PERFORMANCE-BASED PEDAGOGY TO DEVELOP CRITICAL THINKING WITH SHAKESPEAREAN SONNETS IN PHILOLOGY <p>This article examines the effectiveness of a performance-based approach in fostering critical thinking skills in philology students, using Shakespeare's sonnets as a case study. The focus is on the use of tableau vivant and character monologues as specific pedagogical techniques. The article analyzes how these methods contribute to the development of analytical and interpretive skills, empathy, and non-verbal communication. It argues that actively engaging students in the process of embodying sonnets through performance deepens their understanding of the text, stimulates creative thinking, and cultivates a more conscious approach to literary study. The article is addressed to educators in philology departments and researchers interested in innovative methods of teaching literature.</p> Kurbonov Doniyorbek Kakhramonovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-06 2025-03-06 13 3 8 13 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING INTERACTIVE METHODS IN PRIMARY GRADES <p>This article highlights the issues of effectively using interactive methods and modern technologies in primary grades. The significance of innovative approaches in the educational process and methods of making the learning experience engaging and effective for students are analyzed. Additionally, various interactive techniques and the use of multimedia tools are discussed.</p> Yusupbayeva Lobar Alisherovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-06 2025-03-06 13 3 14 17 CONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPING INDEPENDENT WORK SKILLS OF PRIMARY GRADE STUDENTS <p>Improving the independent work skills of elementary school students is one of the most urgent issues of modern education. Research on this topic shows that independent work skills increase children's activity in the learning process, help to develop their creative abilities and self-management skills. forms. By improving this process on the basis of innovative approaches, it is possible to fully demonstrate the personal and intellectual potential of students.</p> Dilfuza Meliiev Xilola Rejabboeva Ziroatkhan Alisherova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-06 2025-03-06 13 3 18 22 THE IMPACT OF YUSUF KHOS HAJIB’S “QUTADGU BILIG” ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE <p>This article explores the historical background of Yusuf Khos Hajib’s Qutadgu Bilig, the intellectual and scientific advancements of the era in which it was written, and its influence on state governance. It examines the philosophical, scientific, and socio-political ideas presented in the work and their impact on subsequent scholarly writings in the field. Additionally, the study highlights the significance of Qutadgu Bilig in global academia by analyzing its reception and research by international scholars, emphasizing its role in the advancement of world science and knowledge.</p> Muhamedov Asror Asadovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-06 2025-03-06 13 3 23 31 DEODORIZATION AND REFINING OF COTTONSEED OIL <p>The article discusses the refining of crude cottonseed oil, which is a complex, multi-stage process carried out on the basis of physical, physicochemical and chemical methods of processing oils and fats in order to improve their quality, nutritional and biological value. Oil refining occurs due to the adsorption of coloring substances on aluminum oxide, which is formed from sodium aluminate during the technological process. In the composition of crude oil, a number of concomitant substances are effectively removed in the form of hydrophilic sodium compounds - free fatty acids, phospholipids, free and some dark-colored forms of altered gossypol.</p> Муслимов Б. Б. Холиков А. А. Рустамов Э. С. Муслимов Ж. Б. Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-06 2025-03-06 13 3 32 36 CONCEPTUAL AND NORMATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR INTEGRATING CITIZENS INTO PUBLIC SECURITY IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: A SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS OF LEGAL, POLITICAL, AND TECHNOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF PUBLIC POLICY <p>The article presents a theoretical and legal analysis of the system of involving citizens in ensuring public security in the People's Republic of China. The key normative acts defining the interaction between the state and society in this sphere, including the Law of the People's Republic of China "On National Security" and the Law of the People's Republic of China "On Countering Terrorism" are considered. The mechanisms of public participation through residents' committees, auxiliary police formations and digital technologies, including the social credit system, are analysed. Based on statistical data and expert assessments, the effectiveness of these mechanisms is characterised. Potential challenges, such as the need to improve the regulatory framework and the balance between security and civil liberties, are identified.</p> Urazbaev Abatbay Askerbaevich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-07 2025-03-07 13 3 37 48 THE PROBLEM OF COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SAMPLES OF WORLD LITERATURE IN GENERAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS <p>This article deals with the issue of comparative study of the works of Russian writer A. Chekhov and Uzbek writer A. Qahhor from the examples of world literature.</p> Abduvalitov Nurjan Buranovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-07 2025-03-07 13 3 49 51 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROCESS OF SYNTHESIS OF LOW MOLECULAR HYDROCARBONS BASED ON THE FISHER-TROPISH SYNTHESIS <p>Ruthenium, nickel, cobalt and iron are transition metals that have proven to be active in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. They are located in subgroups eight to ten. Ruthenium has a very high FT activity.</p> Egamnazarova Fazilat Dustqobilovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-07 2025-03-07 13 3 52 57 LITERATURE REVIEW ON THE MODERN THERAPY OF RECURRENT HERPETIC STOMATITS AMONG CHILDREN <p>Recurrent herpetic stomatitis (RHS) is a common viral disease among children caused by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV). The disease is characterized by frequent recurrences, negatively affecting patients' quality of life. Research indicates that a comprehensive approach to RHS treatment is the most effective. In addition to traditional antiviral therapy, innovative methods such as immunomodulators, laser therapy, probiotics, and phytotherapy play a significant role. This article analyzes the effectiveness of these methods and discusses current scientific approaches to disease prevention.</p> Рахматова Дилнора Саиджоновна Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 13 3 58 62 ASSESSMENT OF PUBLIC PASSENGER TRANSPORT REGULARITY IN ROUTES OF KOKAND CITY <p>One of the key indicators for measuring the quality of passenger transport services is the regularity of transport vehicle movements. Besides planned intervals, this indicator is influenced by various factors related to public transport conditions, including traffic flow density and composition, passenger flow structure, traffic light regimes, weather conditions, and other factors. This article assesses the regularity of public passenger transport in Qo‘qon city, analyzing the intervals at which transport vehicles arrive at designated stops along specific routes.</p> Khametov Z. M. Siddiqov B. J. Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 13 3 63 66 THE IMPORTANCE OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM AND ITS ROLE IN INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS <p>International tourism and its intercultural relations are of great importance today not only in our country, but also in countries around the world. Each country has its own culture and traditions. The ties between these cultures are further developed through tourist relations. Tourism also creates great opportunities for economic development, social change, and intercultural dialogue.</p> Radjapova Nasiba Makhmudjonovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-13 2025-03-13 13 3 67 70 USE OF SOME INTERACTIVE METHODS IN SERVICE LESSONS <p>This article highlights the importance of using interactive methods in teaching technology and their role in developing students' knowledge, skills, and competencies.</p> Yuldasheva Mukhtasarkhon Ikromjon kizi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-14 2025-03-14 13 3 71 76 COGNITIVE AND NEUROLINGUISTIC ASPECTS OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE ON THE STRUCTURE OF HUMAN THINKING AND WORLDVIEW <p>The article is devoted to the study of cognitive and neurolinguistic aspects of the influence of the Chinese language on the processes of thinking and the formation of a worldview. The differences in language structures and their impact on brain function, including the activity of the left and right hemispheres, the features of information processing, and the formation of abstract concepts, are considered. Special attention is paid to the influence of the logographic writing of the Chinese language on visual perception and the development of spatial thinking, as well as the analytical approach typical of the English language. The cultural and historical factors contributing to various cognitive strategies of native speakers of these languages are analyzed.</p> Aralova Aysuliw Aralovna Usmonova Shahodat Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-14 2025-03-14 13 3 77 82 SPORTS IN THE DIRECTION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN TOWARDS BIG -TIME SPORTS <p>Sport plays a crucial role in the development and health of a child from an early age up to adolescence. Physical activity not only promotes health, but also helps a child develop physically and socially, as well as forms healthy habits that last a lifetime. Depending on age and needs, sports and physical activity take various forms, contributing to the harmonious growth and full-fledged formation of a personality.</p> Azizov Mukhammadjan Azamovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-14 2025-03-14 13 3 83 85 BASIC CONCEPTS OF THEORY AND METHODS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE <p>In the theory of physical culture, concepts such as "physical culture", "sport", "unsocial physical education", "physical recreation", "motor rehabilitation", "physical development", "physical education", "physical training", "physical exercise" and many others are used. These concepts are of the most general nature, and specific terms and concepts, one way or another, follow from the definitions of more general categories.</p> Gafurov Abduvohid Makhmudovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-14 2025-03-14 13 3 86 88 EXISTING PROBLEMS IN THE RESCUE OF PEOPLE FROM HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AND THEIR INNOVATION SOLUTIONS <p>In the world, the search and Rescue Service is aimed at managing the physical development of the criteria, means and methods of sorting rescuers for training. Scientific research is being carried out on the distribution of training loads and planning, taking into account the anatomical-physialogical and psychological characteristics of the lifeguard organism. The rescue practice shows that their preparation is associated with a promising planning ridge of many years of preparatory training, which, together with the fact that the creation of the system requires a scientifically based approach, requires efficient management of the training process, conducting research based on an individual approach, taking into account physical and psychological readiness.</p> Yuliev Nuriddin Zhumanazarovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 13 3 89 95 A CONTRASTIVE INTERPRETATION OF NUCLEOLOGICAL SEMANTICS IN A MULTILINGUAL CONTEXT <p>This article provides a contrastive examination of nucleological semantics across Russian and English, emphasizing how each language’s morphological and syntactic frameworks shape conceptual “core” elements such as cognition, essence, and internal states. The study combines large-scale corpus analyses, morphosyntactic comparisons, and psycholinguistic validation to illustrate both universal semantic kernels and language-specific expansions. Russian is shown to rely heavily on derivational morphology to convey nuanced sub-meanings, whereas English typically employs syntactic and phrasal strategies to achieve comparable interpretive depth. The findings underscore how morphological exuberance, cultural idioms, and analytic structures interact in configuring the conceptual landscape, ultimately suggesting that future inquiries should incorporate additional languages, advanced computational modeling, and broader sociocultural parameters to refine our understanding of nucleological semantics.</p> Tagaeva Asal Rustamovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-15 2025-03-15 13 3 96 100 MEANS AND METHODS OF FORMATION OF PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF TENNIS PLAYERS <p>Tennis is one of the most popular sports among children and youth. It not only develops physical qualities, but also requires high concentration of attention, tactical and technical training, and promotes the development of special skills. In this regard, an important direction in the training process of young tennis players is the development of their physical qualities, which provides the necessary basis for achieving high results in a sports career.</p> Axmedov Umidjon Usmonovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 13 3 101 103 AS A KEY FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE METHODOLOGY FOR CONDUCTING IT SEMINARS IN THE FIELD OF TECHNOLOGIES <p>Nowadays, rapid changes in the field of Information Technology are creating the need for IT specialists to constantly update their knowledge and improve their skills. Seminars play an important role in this process, as they give professionals the opportunity to learn new technologies in a practical way, strengthen their existing knowledge and quickly master innovations. But the creation and constant improvement of an effective methodology for organizing seminars still remains an urgent problem. In this article, the main factors affecting the development of the methodology of seminars in the field of Information Technology are analyzed in detail. During the study, traditional and innovative approaches were compared, and factors affecting efficiency were identified. Practical recommendations on the use of a modular system and mixed forms of education are also given in the organization of seminars. The methodological recommendations presented in the article are intended to be practically useful for specialists in the IT field.</p> Ma'rufjonov Akhunjan Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-18 2025-03-18 13 3 104 106 IMPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS <p>The professional competence of future physical education teachers is a crucial factor in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process. This study examines modern approaches to improving professional competence in higher education institutions, emphasizing pedagogical methodologies, digital technologies, and innovative assessment techniques. The research highlights the role of interdisciplinary knowledge, continuous professional development, and the integration of sports sciences in teacher training programs. The findings suggest that a combination of traditional and digital teaching strategies enhances the preparedness of physical education teachers, ensuring their ability to meet the evolving needs of students in contemporary educational environments.</p> Mavlyanov Baxrom Sangirovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-18 2025-03-18 13 3 107 108 FORMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SKILLS IN STUDENTS ON THE BASIS OF THE 4K MODEL <p>The development of environmental skills in students is essential for preparing them to address the complex challenges of the 21st century. This paper examines the application of the 4K model—Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity—in enhancing environmental education. The study provides an overview of relevant literature, explains the methodologies employed, presents findings, and discusses how the 4K model effectively supports the formation of environmental skills in students. Recommendations for educators are also proposed.</p> Bekchanova Feruza Marimboy qizi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-18 2025-03-18 13 3 109 112 THE LIFE AND WORK OF MARIA MONTESSORI: AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS <p>This article delves into the life and work of Maria Montessori, the pioneering educator and physician, whose educational philosophy has profoundly influenced early childhood education worldwide. By reviewing her life journey, examining her innovative methods, and analyzing the impact of her work, this paper seeks to explore the lasting contributions of Montessori to education systems globally. The study draws on key literature, empirical results, and offers suggestions for contemporary educators seeking to apply Montessori principles in modern classrooms.</p> Saidova Mahliyo Shavkatjon qizi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-20 2025-03-20 13 3 113 117 SPECIFICATIONS OF RUSSIAN PUNCTUATION <p>The ability to interpret the text, as many researchers rightly point out, allows one to join the author's vision of the world, enrich oneself spiritually, and improve the spiritual culture of a person. When analyzing a literary text, the dominant place is usually given to lexical and stylistic means, however, syntactic means, which have come to the fore in modern literature, play a crucial role in creating the expressiveness of the text, in understanding the main idea of the work and the author's worldview.<br>But it should be noted that the problem of punctuation in general linguistics is still waiting for it is solution: there is no single definition of the term "punctuation", there are disputes about the functions it performs, the issue of the leading principle of punctuation has not been resolved.</p> Aminboeva N. K. Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-22 2025-03-22 13 3 118 121 STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF SIKAMENT RMC-519 AND SIKA RETARDER SUPERPLASTICIZERS ON CONCRETE PROPERTIES <p>In this article was studied the physical and mechanical properties of concrete with superplasticizers of Sikament RMC-519 and Sika Retarder, as well as the results of laboratory studies were given in the form of the table and graphs.</p> Kholtayeva A. K. Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-21 2025-03-21 13 3 122 124 THEORETICAL BASIS OF PROPHYLAXIS EDUCATION IN FORMING LEGAL CULTURE <p>The theoretical foundations of preventive education in the formation of legal culture are aimed at providing students with legal knowledge and developing their behavior in accordance with social values. In the process of preventive education, great attention is paid to increasing the legal awareness of young people, preventing offenses and developing social responsibility. The theoretical foundations include methodological approaches to the formation of legal culture, psychological achievements and innovative methods in the education system. Through this, students are prepared for the legal environment.</p> Ibragimov Shukhrat Isroilovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-22 2025-03-22 13 3 125 128 FEATURES OF THE COURSE OF PREGNANCY, OUTCOMES OF CHILDBIRTH AND EARLY POSTPARTUM PERIOD IN WOMEN WITH UROGENITAL INFECTION <p>Carrying a pregnancy at a young age is a serious test, since pregnancy and childbirth take place in conditions of functional immaturity of the body, inadequate adaptation mechanisms, which creates a high risk of complications for both the mother and the fetus.</p> Нажмидинова Дилафруз Фарходжон Кизи Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-24 2025-03-24 13 3 129 132 METHODS OF TEACHING ATTACK TACTICS IN THE GAME OF VOLLEYBALL <p>This article developed a set of exercises aimed at increasing the effectiveness of offensive tactical actions of volleyball players during the development of offensive tactical actions, and these exercises were used in those involved. The complex of exercises developed has positively influenced the effectiveness of the offensive actions of its participants. it serves to increase the technical and tactical training of volleyball players and effectively organize training.</p> Yakubzhonov Ikrom Akramzhonovich Yakubzhonova Feruzakhan Ismailovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-24 2025-03-24 13 3 133 135 METHODS OF TEACHING GYMNASTICS TO STUDENTS <p>Exercises mastered in gymnastics are diverse, they are complex movement activities that involve simple movements of individual parts of the body, from simple standing positions (basic standing, hanging, leaning) to the maximum exercise of physical and movement qualities.</p> Inomov Fahriddin O'rmonjonovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 13 3 136 138 ABDULLA AVLONIY’S DRAMATURGY: CONTENT, ARTISTICITY AND SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE <p>This article analyzes the dramaturgy of Abdulla Avloni, highlighting the main themes of his works, their artistic features and their influence on the development of Uzbek theater art. Avloni reflected social criticism, enlightenment, and the clash of old and new in society through his plays. It also analyzes the use of realistic imagery, lively dialogues, and satirical styles in his plays. The article also examines the playwright’s contribution to the formation of Uzbek Theater.</p> Akhrorova Zarina Azamatovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 13 3 139 144 INTEGRATIVE APPROACH IN TEACHING LIFE ACTIVITY SAFETY SCIENCE <p>This article analyzes the issue of “integrative approach to teaching life activity safety. On the basis of the integrative approach, the principles of organizing the educational process, methods for ensuring interdisciplinary connection and the possibility of using interactive methods and digital technologies in the teaching of safety of life activities science have been analyzed. Based on the results of the study, proposals have been put forward to improve the effectiveness of the integrative approach in teaching the science of life activity safety. The results of the study show that teaching life Activity Safety Science in harmony with natural sciences such as biology, chemistry, physics, technology, geography and social sciences such as law, psychology and sociology has a positive impact on the development of student safety culture. The integrative approach justifies itself in practice by improving educational efficiency, shaping real-life problem-solving skills, and introducing innovative teaching techniques.</p> Xujаqulоv Аbdulаziz Xаkim ugli Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-26 2025-03-26 13 3 145 148 MODELS FOR RESOLVING CONFLICT SITUATIONS THAT ARISE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS <p>In today's globalization process, as the international education system moves towards a new type of innovative development, there are also situations where, as a result of the replacement of traditional and innovative education systems with each other, the differences between these systems become apparent, leading to the emergence of conflict situations. This article provides detailed information on models for resolving conflict situations that arise in the management of innovative development processes in higher education institutions.</p> Sokhibov Akram Rustamovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-26 2025-03-26 13 3 149 154 DEVELOPING STUDENTS' INVENTIVE ABILITIES THROUGH A CREATIVE APPROACH IN TECHNOLOGY LESSONS <p>This article extensively examines the significance of using creative pedagogical technologies to develop students' inventive abilities during technology lessons. The theoretical foundations of applying creative methods in pedagogical processes are analyzed, practical experiments conducted, and results presented with statistical substantiation. Scientific recommendations are provided for involving students in innovative activities by creating problem situations, design processes, and fostering creative thinking.</p> Yangibayeva Qunduzoy Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-26 2025-03-26 13 3 155 157 CLASSIFICATION OF MYTHONYMS AND THEIR ESSENCE <p>Mythonyms are lexical units connected to mythological figures, events, and concepts. These words are deeply rooted in the culture, customs, and beliefs of a people, passed down through generations via language, preserving humanity's shared experiences and worldview. Mythonyms hold great significance in linguistics because they help preserve historical and cultural heritage through language. Mythonyms are often expressed through mythological figures. These could include gods, heroes, demons, or other supernatural beings that represent particular forces or natural elements (e.g., gods of the sky, underworld beings, or fertility gods). Mythonyms can also be associated with mythological places. Mythonyms are not merely linguistic tools but are significant cultural elements that reflect a society’s worldview. Through mythonyms, abstract concepts like life, death, chaos, and order are expressed in narrative form. These words also help in literature by enriching the narrative, deepening the themes, and creating connections to mythical traditions.</p> OdilovaNozima Nizomiddinovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-03-26 2025-03-26 13 3 158 162