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Tursunboyeva Khursidabonu Tolibjon qizi


This article examines the impact of the Chinese initiative "One Belt, One Road" (OBOR) on the development of the investment climate in Uzbekistan. The author reveals the historical prerequisites and theoretical foundations of the project, considering it a modern continuation of the ancient "Silk Road." The main focus is on key aspects of OBOR implementation, including the modernization of transport infrastructure, the development of energy projects, and the introduction of financial and credit mechanisms that promote the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. The work demonstrates how these measures allow Uzbekistan to diversify its economy and reduce dependence on the traditional agricultural sector, while simultaneously strengthening its role in regional and global trade and logistics networks. The institutional environment determining the prospects for cooperation with China is also analyzed, and recommendations are provided to enhance the efficiency of OBOR implementation, taking into account localization and technology transfer. It is concluded that with a comprehensive approach to the development and management of projects within the framework of OBOR, Uzbekistan has a unique opportunity to accelerate economic reforms, increase the competitiveness of domestic producers, and lay the foundations for long-term sustainable growth.

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How to Cite
Tursunboyeva Khursidabonu Tolibjon qizi. (2025). THE "ONE BELT, ONE ROAD" PROJECT AS A STRATEGY OF CHINA AND ITS IMPACT ON THE INVESTMENT CLIMATE IN UZBEKISTAN. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 13(1), 82–89. Retrieved from


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