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Djurayev Sherzod Sobirjonovich
Fayzullayev Dedaxuja Zokirjon o`g`li


Efficient regulation of transport systems is essential for minimizing congestion and ensuring smooth traffic flow. Traditional traffic regulation methods often rely on fixed signal timings, which may not adapt well to changing traffic conditions. In recent years, intelligent algorithms, such as the Kohonen algorithm (self-organizing map or SOM), have emerged as promising solutions for dynamically regulating transport systems. This article provides an overview of the Kohonen algorithm's mathematical expression and explores its potential applications in transport system regulation.

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How to Cite
Djurayev Sherzod Sobirjonovich, & Fayzullayev Dedaxuja Zokirjon o`g`li. (2023). REGULATION OF THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM BASED ON THE KOHONEN ALGORITHM. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(10), 32–37. Retrieved from


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