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In this article, according to the severity of interdigital dermatitis, stage M1 is small foci (less than 2 cm) with a surface covered with a red or white-red tint, stage M2 is a "classic wound", red or white-red in diameter more than 2 cm, granulation tissue is observed on the surface of the pathological process, at the stage of MOH - healing wounds with a black scab surface, and in the M4 stage - dyskeratosis or proliferation process is observed, in the treatment of interdigital dermatitis in cows, an aqueous solution of 1:3 ochitka is used in a ratio of 10 ml of aloe extract + 5 ml of lidocaine hydrochloride with a special swab moistened with special antibiotics (levamycin 4 tab, rifampicin 2 capsules, streptocide 4 tab) has an anti-purulent necrotic and inflammatory effect It has been established that they have a positive effect on regenerative processes and stimulate them, reduce the recovery of sick animals by an average of 5-6 days, and experimental results of their use in the treatment of purulent necrotic processes are described.
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