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Abdujabbarova Feruza Abdunazarovna


Metaphor, like other linguistic units that bring together nominative and communicative goals, is a means of forming a linguistic picture of the world. However, this tool, unlike others, serves to create new concepts using pre-existing meanings in the language system. Therefore, a metaphor serves not only to ensure the existence of meaning, but also is a mechanism for the formation of this meaning and a means of transmitting it in the process of communication.
In general, the metaphor serves as a bridge from the known (familiar) to the unknown (unfamiliar).
Anthropocentric metaphors are metaphors that are directly related to the internal and external qualities of a person. No matter how colorful these metaphors are, they are based on a human being.
In the literature on linguoculturology, metaphors are put on a par with proverbs, sayings, analogies, which are considered the main linguistic and cultural units of the language.

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How to Cite
Abdujabbarova Feruza Abdunazarovna. (2024). LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES OF METAPHORS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(6), 88–93. Retrieved from


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