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Oybek Ortikov


The article deals with the work of Husayn Voiz Koshifiy, who created social life, education and upbringing, spiritual and moral qualities in the XV-XVI centuries, in particular, the manners described through the ideas, views, preachers and advices in the work “Akhloqi Mukhsini”, morals, educational qualities, content of teachings, interpretation of human qualities are described. Also, the science of sufism, which is widely spread in Khurasan and Movorunnahr, and its educational significance, its role in the formation of spiritual and physical maturity, serves to develop the qualities of moral purity, compassion, diligence and courage in young people with good intentions and good behavior, who can resist oppression and injustice.

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How to Cite
Oybek Ortikov. (2024). ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF IDEOLOGICAL QUALITIES IN THE CREATION OF HUSSAIN VOIZ KOSHIFI. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(5), 429–436. Retrieved from


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