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O`ralov Javlonbek Bahodir o`g`li
Surayyo Rajabboyeva Baxrom qizi


Information disclosure, the act of revealing pertinent data and information to relevant stakeholders, plays a critical role in modern organizational dynamics. This article delves into the multifaceted nature of information disclosure, examining its implications for corporate transparency, stakeholder trust, and regulatory compliance. We explore the theoretical underpinnings of information disclosure, differentiating between voluntary and mandatory disclosures, and assess the impact of technological advancements on the ease and scope of information dissemination. The article also investigates the strategic considerations organizations must balance when deciding what information to disclose, including the potential risks and benefits. By analyzing case studies from various industries, we highlight best practices and common pitfalls in information disclosure strategies. Ultimately, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of information disclosure, offering insights for both scholars and practitioners seeking to navigate this complex and evolving field.

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How to Cite
O`ralov Javlonbek Bahodir o`g`li, & Surayyo Rajabboyeva Baxrom qizi. (2024). INFORMATION DISCLOUSURE VULNERABILITIES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(5), 321–326. Retrieved from


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