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Kakhramon Eshboev


We know that educational lexicography is recognized as a separate independent field of lexicography. In her dissertation entitled “Educational lexicography in Uzbekistan: linguistic foundations, history and perspectives” [1], Professor B.Bahriddinova brings the issue and tasks of modern educational lexicography to the agenda. B.Bahriddinova reacts to the problems and tasks related to educational lexicography as follows: attention was drawn. The linguo-didactic direction between linguistics and pedagogy is developing as a special branch of educational vocabulary. At the moment, educational dictionaries are used in the educational system as an auxiliary tool for school textbooks, which fulfill an important socio-political and cultural task in educating a generation that is faithful to national values, has a broad worldview, is mature, independent-minded, fluent in oral and written speech. occupies a special place”[1].

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How to Cite
Kakhramon Eshboev. (2024). GRADUONIMIC APPROACH IN LEARNING DICTIONARIES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(5), 243–247. Retrieved from


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