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Mambetkadirova Durdana


This study explores the multifaceted role of Uzbek fine arts in the context of global cultural exchange. Drawing upon a diverse range of literature and scholarly sources, including books, academic journals, and institutional websites, the research examines the significance of Uzbek fine arts in preserving cultural heritage, promoting cross-cultural understanding, and fostering artistic innovation on the global stage. The analysis encompasses various forms of Uzbek fine arts, including ceramics, textiles, miniature painting, and traditional architecture, highlighting their historical significance, artistic techniques, and contemporary relevance. Through case studies, examples, and empirical evidence, the study elucidates how Uzbek fine arts serve as vehicles for cultural diplomacy, economic development, and artistic collaboration, contributing to the enrichment of the global cultural landscape. The findings underscore the importance of recognizing and promoting Uzbek fine arts as valuable expressions of cultural identity, creativity, and human heritage in an increasingly interconnected world.

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How to Cite
Mambetkadirova Durdana. (2024). GENRES IN FINE ARTS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(5), 91–94. Retrieved from


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