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Xolmuradov F. M.
Sobitov R. A.


Mathematical modeling and forecasting methods play an important role in various areas of modern society, as they allow understanding and effective management of complex environmental, social and economic processes. This article discussed the application and importance of mathematical modeling in the fields of climate modeling, resource management, and demographic analysis. Climate modeling allows scientists to predict future changes such as global warming, sea level rise, and extreme weather events, which in turn is key to developing strategies for adapting to and mitigating climate change. Mathematical modeling is essential in optimizing the efficient allocation and use of critical resources such as water and food.[1-9] Demographic analysis is also important in predicting population growth, migration trends, and population distribution, which can help cities and allows for more effective implementation of infrastructure project and public services presentation for districts. In general, mathematical modeling and forecasting is one of the main tools for creating a sustainable environment for future generations. [10-16] Mathematical modeling and forecasting methods play an important role in various fields of modern society, because they understand complex ecological, social and economic processes. allows to understand and effectively manage them. [16-21] This article discussed the application and importance of mathematical modeling in the fields of climate modeling, resource management, and demographic analysis. Climate modeling allows scientists to predict future changes such as global warming, sea level rise, and extreme weather events, which in turn is key to developing strategies for adapting to and mitigating climate change. Mathematical modeling is essential in optimizing the efficient allocation and use of critical resources such as water and food. Demographic analysis is important in predicting population growth, migration trends, and population distribution, which allows for more effective implementation of infrastructure projects and public service delivery for cities and counties. In general, mathematical modeling and prediction is one of the main tools in creating a sustainable environment for future generations.

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How to Cite
Xolmuradov F. M., & Sobitov R. A. (2024). APPLICATIONS OF HIGHER MATHEMATICS IN THE FIELDS OF GEOGRAPHY. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(3), 685–691. Retrieved from