Main Article Content
The paper sets out to illustrate the similarities and differences of direct and indirect equivalency in the medical translation that attempts the research into the translation as closely as possible professional translation that medical students will encounter in their later career as future doctors. The purpose of this article is to analyze the ways of achieving medical translation equivalence at different approaches of the studies of medical translation researches based on the scientific texts. The article presents the review of translated sentences to determine the notional similarity between original text and its translation. The frequency distribution of the use of equivalent levels is due to professional reasons, the difference in grammatical structures, the variety of collocations, the differences in word order etc. As a result of analysis the most frequently used levels of equivalence in scientific writing style are identified. This is due to the fact that some medical texts part of professional translation, detailed complex sentences are often used, in addition, the original translation contains a large number of terms that have completely different formulations in English.
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