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Nazarova Ra’no Rahimovna


The purpose of this article is to investigate the significance of riddles in oral literature and folklore. Riddles are activities and questions that are typically written in prose or poetry. They center around contrasting a certain something or occasion with one more to uncover a deliberately covered include, structure, conduct, state, or capability. Enigmas are regularly made corresponding to individuals' lives and are established on ancient thoughts and convictions, as well as people groups' hunger for information and understanding of the universe. Riddles are used to quote the words, and the way a riddle is approached suggests a secret solution. Then again, puzzles are a sort of discourse that contrasts concerning the measurements that make up verse and the manners by which it enters mainstream society.

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How to Cite
Nazarova Ra’no Rahimovna. (2024). LINGUOCOGNITIVE FEATURES OF RIDDLES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(2), 357–360. Retrieved from


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