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Azimova Fatima Saidkarim kizi


This article delves into the multifaceted realm of family and inheritance law, exploring the intricacies of legal frameworks governing familial relationships and the transfer of assets. Through a thorough literature analysis, the article aims to shed light on the evolving landscape of family and inheritance law, highlighting key concepts, recent developments, and the impact of societal changes. The methods section outlines the approach used to gather relevant literature, while the results section synthesizes key findings. The discussion section critically examines the implications of current legal frameworks, and the conclusions and suggestions section offers insights for future legal developments in this dynamic field.

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How to Cite
Azimova Fatima Saidkarim kizi. (2023). FAMILY AND INHERITANCE LAW. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(12), 1413–1416. Retrieved from


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