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Ibtisam Kadhim Jassim Ghazai


Informatics has become an influential player in various fields and sectors due to rapid technological development and modern innovations, which have contributed to reducing distances and eliminating borders and privacy. Only the geography of borders drawn on the Earth remains from the sovereignty of states because geographical boundaries do not bind information technology and modern means of communication through the race towards space, space warfare, and control on the ground. Until the owner of the Information controls the future, terrorist organizations have realized the importance of Information and technological tools. I could harness these tools to dominate and control many Iraqi lands. Social media is one of the most essential tools in addition to the Internet and modern means of communication. The first appearance of these means was after the so-called Arab Spring revolutions in 2011 and the spread. The increasing use of modern means of communication has been exploited by the terrorist organization ISIS for motivation, recruitment, and terrorism. This was evident in the investigations mentioned in the study, which showed the extent of the impact of the use of social media and that one of the most critical strategies for the organization is publishing influential media through pictures and video clips on various means of communication and channels. YouTube, which I founded, spread terror in the hearts of many Iraqis and undermined confidence in the security services by posting many rumors and fabricated and criminal videos that were killing many Iraqis, Arabs, and foreigners in ways that frightened the hearts of citizens and the security services. For this reason, the organization continued its expansion in establishing its alleged state, especially after occupying much of the territory. The media and communication also contributed to the loss of confidence among the components of the Iraqi people and the increase in sectarian and ethnic conflicts among them.

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How to Cite
Ibtisam Kadhim Jassim Ghazai. (2023). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ITS IMPACT ON IRAQI NATIONAL SECURITY SINCE 2014 (REALITY AND CHALLENGES). Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(12), 804–822. Retrieved from


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