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Khalikova Sh. T.


The formation of the personality of children with visual impairments is a complex process. Because in the study of being, the surrounding world, the role of visual perception is incomparable. For this reason, the earlier this category begins to introduce children to social reality, the easier it will be for them to act in the world around them in the future. The phenomenon occurring in the modern world is also a complex process of finding one's place in a rapidly developing social environment. Fundamental changes in socio-political, economic and social life, which are currently taking place in the country, lead to the emergence of new social problems that require fundamentally new approaches to their solution. Among them, the issues of socialization of children with special needs, including children with visual impairments, pose new challenges to teachers, psychologists engaged in training specialists in the field of special education.

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How to Cite
Khalikova Sh. T. (2023). PROBLEMS OF MENTAL DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIALIZATION OF BLIND CHILDREN. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(12), 125–132. Retrieved from


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