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Dilafruz Aliyevna Makhkamova


The goal of vocational guidance is to prepare the growing younger generation to consciously choose a career. By directing them to the profession, it is necessary to decide on the profession that students want to pursue, to be viewed as a scientific and practical system that provides a solid basis for their free and independent choice of profession. When directing the personality of each student to the profession through this system, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics as well as the need to provide full-fledged labor resources from the point of view of the interests of the national economy.

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How to Cite
Dilafruz Aliyevna Makhkamova. (2023). METHODICAL PROVISION OF VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE OF STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(12), 106–111. Retrieved from


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