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Assist Prof. Ali Abdulhussein Khaleel Alfadhel. (MBA)
Noor Mohammed Kadhim (MFB)


The current research focused on providing a clear view of a project about the reality of medical waste management in private health institutions and the methods of treating this kind of waste in the city of Najaf, in addition to estimating the amount of medical waste generated. In this research, a case study was conducted for establishing a comprehensive project of waste management for private health institutions. After estimating the investment and operational costs, making market study-based predictions, estimating the project revenues, and carrying out the field survey, it turned out that all of them were good. Therefore, we can establish a waste management project in the Holy city of Najaf. The current study recommends that the issue of disposal, management, and treatment of medical waste be linked to legal frameworks, so that health institutions, regardless of type and size, shall abide by these frameworks in order to ensure the seriousness of disposing of these hazardous waste in safe ways. The reason is attributed to the risks of such kind of waste, which could result in death due to mismanaging it, in addition to the fact that it pollutes water, air and soil.

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How to Cite
Assist Prof. Ali Abdulhussein Khaleel Alfadhel. (MBA), & Noor Mohammed Kadhim (MFB). (2023). FEASIBILITY OF A MEDICAL WASTE TREATMENT PROJECT IN THE HOLY CITY OF NAJAF. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(11), 926–944. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/4720


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