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Raxmonov Xusan Tojiyevich


Wheat is one of the most common cereal crops. More than half of the world's people use wheat bread as food. Wheat bread contains a lot of protein and starch, and since protein molecules are mainly in gluten, it makes high-quality bread from it. Wheat bread is highly valued for its taste, nutrition and digestibility. The content of wheat grain is from 11.0% to 18-19% protein, depending on its variety and planting season. Protein digestibility in wheat bread is 95%. In addition, groats are made from wheat grains, and its flour is used in the pasta and confectionery industry. Wheat straw and chaff are fed to livestock, and waste from threshing is a high-quality feed. In the technique, alcohol, starch, gluten, dextrin, glue and other various products are obtained from wheat grain. The quality of wheat grain, that is, the content of protein, gluten, varies depending on the soil and climate conditions of the region where wheat is grown. Wheat is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It was planted in Egypt 6000 BC, during which time irrigated agriculture developed in Egypt.

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How to Cite
Raxmonov Xusan Tojiyevich. (2023). WHEAT GROWING TECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(11), 797–804. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/4688


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