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Deyaa Thamer Mutar
Ahmed Hasan Oleiwi AL_khuzaie
Mohammed Abd UL-Rahman Mohammed


The research and study included four chapters, where the first chapter included an introduction to the research and its importance, in which the researchers touched on scientific development, especially in the field of education and modern educational methods and strategies. The strategy of overlapping waves in skill learning was also discussed, as well as the game of volleyball and its specificity in skill learning. The research problem in which the reason for studying and delving into this experience was addressed, and the research problem came from the fact that most of the teachers depend on explaining the skill and presenting the model, ignoring the cognitive aspect that the students do not possess, and that most of the subject teachers focus in their teaching on imperative educational methods in learning skills, and that there is There is a lack of use of modern learning strategies and their application in the field of skills education, and reliance directly on the delivery by the teacher and the student is the recipient. The importance of research and study in helping physical education teachers in using one of the modern strategies in teaching that helps in improving and acquiring Cognitive achievement for learning the skill of smashing a volleyball among students who are members of the research sample. The aim of the research is to prepare a proposed educational curriculum using the overlapping waves strategy in cognitive achievement and learning the skill of smashing a volleyball for students, as well as knowing the effect of the educational curriculum on gaining cognitive achievement and learning the skill of smashing a volleyball for students in College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The method used in the research was also discussed, which is the experimental approach designed by two equal groups. The research population was identified and they are the students of the second stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Al-Qadisiyah University for the academic year (2022-2023), numbering (148) students. As for the research sample, it was selected by a simple random method (lottery), which amounted to (40) students who were divided by (20) students for each group, where some failing students and players were excluded, and homogeneity and parity were conducted for the two groups. The third chapter also included the research procedures and the mechanism for determining The variables of the study and its tests, as well as its scientific foundations, in addition to the exploratory experiment, cardiac tests, the main experiment, and post-tests. The fourth chapter included a presentation, analysis, and discussion of the results reached by the researchers, while the fifth chapter included some conclusions and recommendations that were developed based on the results that were reached. 

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How to Cite
Deyaa Thamer Mutar, Ahmed Hasan Oleiwi AL_khuzaie, & Mohammed Abd UL-Rahman Mohammed. (2023). THE EFFECT OF AN EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM ACCORDING TO THE OVERLAPPING WAVES STRATEGY ON COGNITIVE ACHIEVEMENT AND LEARNING THE SKILL OF CRUSHING VOLLEYBALL FOR STUDENTS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(11), 286–300. Retrieved from


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