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Aliev Kibar Olimovich
Butabaev M.
Suyunov D.Kh.


Today's fierce global competition has led to changes in the culture of organizations and their business processes. Under the pressure of changing external conditions, companies are forced to more widely use downsizing and outsourcing methods to increase their competitiveness. As noted by F. Gray and E. Larson, such changes are especially noticeable in corporations that are most dependent on the stage of the life cycle of their market, for example: Bechtel, Cable Network News (CNN), Electronic Data System (EDS), Hewlett-Packard (H.P.).

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How to Cite
Aliev Kibar Olimovich, Butabaev M., & Suyunov D.Kh. (2023). PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE SYSTEM OF STRATEGIC COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(7), 40–44. Retrieved from


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