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Meliboyev Oybek Muhammadjonovich


All physiological functions and processes in the human body are hereditary in origin - they are programmed in the set of genes - genotype in the hereditary system. The development of movement functions and the quality of each individual are also carried out in accordance with the genetic program and are carried out by a set of genes in a stable state. Genes control the qualitative and quantitative indicators - hair formation. Phens characterize individual features of structures, metabolism and functions of cells, tissues, organs, some systems and the whole organism. Therefore, the motility, qualitative characteristics and quantitative signs of strength development, speed, endurance, and the formation of coordination of movements are based on genetics.

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How to Cite
Meliboyev Oybek Muhammadjonovich. (2023). FACTORS PROMOTING PHYSICAL EXERCISE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(7), 37–39. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/4258


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