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Kazakov Ilhom Rozmamatovich


Elucidation of the national-cultural features of phraseological units is an important issue in linguistic and cultural studies. Despite the fact that several works have been carried out in linguistics on the relevance of phraseology to the culture of the nation, they have not yet been studied on the basis of intercultural cooperation of sister nations, in particular, in the case of the Uzbek and Karakalpak languages. As a result of this approach to phraseology, the mental aspects specific to these two peoples are clearly demonstrated. After all, the phraseological layer of any language contains information of immense cultural value and has the ability to reflect social reality. Through the linguistic and cultural interpretation of phraseological units characteristic of sister languages, it is possible to create a broader picture of the worldview, way of thinking, customs, traditions, and national values of the Uzbek and Karakalpak peoples. The generality of phraseology in terms of content proves that there has been unity in the national culture of these peoples since ancient times. The difference in form between the idioms is a result of the fact that the national views of these two nations do not agree with each other in the definition of some concepts.

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How to Cite
Kazakov Ilhom Rozmamatovich. (2023). EXPRESSION OF NATIONAL CULTURE IN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(3), 497–501. Retrieved from


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